Here's to having fun!! We went out to dinner at Eatza Pitza the other night with Josh, Mary and their kids...we had a blast! We had a chance to test our skills at the Dance Dance was great! I've been wanting to get that game for my Nintendo Wii, and this just made me want it more! Not only do you get a workout while doing it, but it's so much fun! Anywho, here's a couple of pictures of us trying to strut our stuff! Enjoy...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Posted by Maggie at 3:50 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
To understand....or not!
Sometimes....a lot of times, we dont seem to understand things, and I dont know about you, but most of the time, these things frusterate me and make me get angry. I can't understand why some people choose to do things or for that matter, not do things...I can't really go into detail, but it's like...Hello People!! It's only common sense that you don't do some things, and if you can't help it, and it just happens....clean it up!!!!!!! I guess it's just been one of those days, where nothing seems to be going right, and there's nothing I can do, but deal with it! It's days like these, where we need to tell ourselves, it's all going to be alright...just take it one thing at a time, dont overwhelm yourself, and tough up and take it like a man! Luckily for me, I have a wonderful husband whom I can pour my heart out to in frusterating moments like these! I Love you Hun and thanks for being my shoulder to cry on!! And for those of you who dont have someone like Abner...there's nothing I can tell you but, seek a counselor!!
Posted by Maggie at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Birthday Jesus!
So let me start off by saying that I think I've gained about 15 pounds the last two days, all we've done is eat, eat, eat! I guess I can't complain though, b/c every tamale was better than the one before! Anywho, I just wanted to take the time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Yes, we enjoy spending time with our family on these holidays and open gifts and such, but we sometimes forget the real reason for's the day Jesus was born! I can't imagine, going from town to town looking for a place to have my baby...and there wasn't a single room vacant! To have to be born in a manger, where animals are kept, is truly something nobody could ever imagine doing...but that just goes to show how even when God sent his son to be born, he was so humble. He could have prepared an extravagant place where they would wait on him and his birth mother hand and foot, but God chose for Jesus to be born in this tiny manger with really nothing but a blanket to keep him warm. Just goes to show how spoiled we are now adays, where we can't imagine going a christmas without having a christmas present to unwrap. Now, I'm not saying it's wrong, I must admit, I do rather enjoy opening those gifts, but I think, before we go to unwrap these gifts, we need to reflect on why we are here and what it is we should really be celebrating. So I end this post by saying...Happy Birthday Jesus!! I Love you with all my heart and soul and can't wait to meet you face to face!
Posted by Maggie at 11:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sieze the Day!
You never realize just how important the little things seem, until you never have the chance to do them again. We sometimes dont realize how important some people are to you, until they are no longer there. B/c of this, I say seize the day! Tell the people you love just how much you love them and do all the things you should have done yesterday, today! You never know what might happen tomorrow.
Yesterday, one of my cousins lost his dear little girl (about 4 or 5 years old) in a tragic accident. It made me think of my nieces, and how devastated I would be if something were to happen to them. Since the day they were born, they took a very special place in my heart and they mean a lot to me. I now have two other very precious nieces (Abner's side), who I'm just getting to know whom I really love as well. Anywho, just wanted to post this blog to say love you girls!
Posted by Maggie at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I dont know what it is but since yesterday morning, I have had this weird feeling in my stomach, I've felt so sick. I'm thinking it might the stomach flu or something, but it does NOT feel good...ugh...the only reason I posted this is because I would really appreciate your prayers. Abner has been a great help, he takes care of me, rubs vicks, runs to the store every five seconds when I need something and holds me when I feel the worst; he even prayed for me last night as I went to bed, I honestly believe that is the only reason I had a good nights sleep. Anyways, please pray so that I feel better fast...Thanks!
Posted by Maggie at 1:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My Abner
Abner. What a simple, unique name, the name of course, of my amazing, unique husband! He is the best thing that has ever happend to me. He is my best friend, my confidant, my up when I'm down, he is in fact, my better half. I never knew what it was to have absolutely everything I have ever wanted until I met him. He does anything and everything in his power to make me happy, and I must say, it's the little things that he does, like kiss me goodbye every morning that are what truly have made me the happiest person in the world. I'm so proud of all of his accomplishments in life. Everything he has ever dreamt of he has accomplished. He graduated college with an AA degree and a BA degree, he has the most perfect job, we have gotten married and bought our first home....all in one year! There is nothing impossible for him and he never lets anything get in his way. He is Abner, he is my husband, and the one I love and will share the rest of my life next to.
Posted by Maggie at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
New Fan!
Yesterday evening, while I should have been studying for two finals that I had today, I was actually helping my husband put up our brand new cieling fan in our living room. It's so nice, I love it! Abner originally wanted to put it in our bedroom, but I thought it would look nicer in our living room, and everybody will be able to enjoy it more there. So, Abner, being the great husband that he is, decided to put it in the living room. I thought it looks so great I had to post a picture. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
P.S. Two finals down more to go tomorrow!!
Posted by Maggie at 11:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
As my alarm rang this morning, I thought...nooooo....not again! I needed to wake up and get ready for work. Glory be to God, that just as I was about to finish getting dressed, my supervisor called me and said we had the day off today, due to school closure, yes!! I was super stoked! As I began my day, I decided to take my new dog, Spinner, for a walk. We went to check my mail, and to my surprise, he behaved soooo good. He followed right along side of me and never left my side, and he wasn't even on a leash. He's such a good puppie, we've only had him for a few days, and already he's so smart. He's potty trained and everything :) He's such a great dog, now if only we can find a way to make him smell good! Anywho, here's a picture of our new puppie taking a bath. I can hear him calling now, he needs to go outside and handle some business...I better go...
Posted by Maggie at 7:34 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Happy Birthday Ben and Maddy
(Sigh) RELIEF!! Today was my last official class session for the semester! It felt soooo good, finally! Now, here comes the finals, next week. I pray that God enlighten me and steer my pencil toward the right answer, that would be super!
So today was my bro-in-law, Ben and his daugther, Maddy's birthday. We celebrated by joining together at Red Robin. Let me tell you, we had fun. I've only been a part of this family for about 4 months, but I feel as I was born into this family. They are so much fun to be around, and look forward to spending time with them. I know what ur thinking...yea right! You're only saying that b/c it's public, and you want to look good...wrong! I really do like them, they are each unique in their own way and there is never a dull moment, especially with their kids...always expect the unexpected when there are 7 kids around! Anywho, Ben, I hope you had a great birthday, and I really did enjoy spending some time with the family. Here is a picture of the birthday kids.
Posted by Maggie at 12:14 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Our first home!!

Posted by Maggie at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Finally took his advice!
Sitting in our living room one night, my husband looks over at my laptop and says, "You're such a myspace freak! Why not make a blogspot?" I started to think, and realized, hey, this is a pretty good idea my husband has! (Not to say he never has good ideas, b/c he is a very smart man and full of great potential and ideas!) So, here it is hun, I finally took your advice, my very first blog post.
This being our last week of classes before finals, the student ambassadors, or whatever, decided that, we as students, are becoming very stressed over finals and don't even have a chance to feed ourselves! Although, that stereo-type of student is definately not me, I decided to take advantage of other students misfortunes. You see, these student ambassadors had a few tables set out with tons of food, up for grabs, as much as we wanted! Needless to say, I did fill my backpack, and ended up with a pretty neat slinky (to entertain ourselves, I guess, through some pretty boring lectures!) I was very very hestitant about transferring to WSU, but I must say, I'm finding myself to be enjoying it more and more each day. Not only do we have FREE parking, we also get free food and an endless supply of hot chocolate and coffee at our disposals! Then I guess, the extra $1500 of tuition that Im having to pay a semester, is well worth it in the end. I know what ur thinking, what a mexican, sees something for free and taks advantage, but i'll tell you what, it's because I pay this abundance of money, that I take advantage of this free stuff. I guess you could say, in a way, I've already paid for all this stuff! Go Cougs!
P.S. I swear, I'll get pictures posted, I'm just at school right now, and dont have any pictures available. We're not all as lucky as my bro-in-law and have the opportunity to carry around an i-phone with us!
Posted by Maggie at 1:04 PM 1 comments