I am a child of God first, a wife (to the most amazing man ever)second, and everything else that comes along with being a woman third. I am currently enrolled in WSU (go Cougs!) and hoping to pursue my career in the education field!
Posted by Maggie at 2:37 PM 0 comments
So...I played the most raddest game this past weekend....it was soo cool, I still am waking up in the mornings singing the songs, "...should I stay or should I go..." If you havn't figured it out yet, it was Rock Band!!!! It's so much fun, b/c not only can one person play, but you can have multiple players, and it's a relief for girls from those fighting games. Now, if we want to play a video game with our "significant other" it doesn't have to by a fighting one, we can rock out together and have tons of fun! Anywho, here are a couple of pictures of us playing this weekend...Oh! and just so you know...you better practice before you try to compete with me at the guitar...I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty darn good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot woot!!
Posted by Maggie at 8:12 PM 0 comments
So this weekend was soooo much fun!!! We had a blast over at Fidel and Marissa's house on the fourwheelers and snow! Andre has the cutest quad and gives the best fourwheeler rides!! It was incredible to have a snow fight and ride around and sled in the snow. We hadn't had fun like that in a long time! I totally agree with Abner's comment on his blogspot: it's great to be a kid, so for now, we'll hold off on having our own! Here are a couple of pictures from this weekend.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Misael today!!
Posted by Maggie at 10:34 AM 2 comments
Another year has passed...and what a year it was! Full of excitement and change, 2007 is a year I will never forget! It has by far, surpassed any other year and I am continuously grateful to God who has blessed me with so many wonderful life-changing events this year. I began in January with my 21st birthday, and I give Glory to God for 21 years of life, and for never having once, even been tempted to try or abuse any sort of alcohol or drugs. On April 1st, the man of my dreams, made my dreams a reality when he got down on one knee and asked the million dollar question..."will you be my wife?" Of course, I said yes....twice! We had our big day on July 21, 2007, it was the most amazing and most memorable day of my life. We made the big move to Richland! It was a scary thought, but a good choice, for Richland is where I would be going to school...WSU-tricity. That in itself, was a huge change as I transferred from EWU, it was tough, but we got through the first semester, not as good as I'd hoped, but next semester will be better, I know it! We just recently, on November 30th, moved into our first new home! Abner and I have the most amazing jobs also that we are enjoying very much everday. Our families were also blessed with two new additions, Aimee Maelynn and Aaron Michael. They are gorgeous babies and I know that God will bless their lives tremendously. There have, unfortanately, also been some downs, but God has given us the strength to pass any trial, for he will never bring you to it, unless he can bring you through it! Anywho, there are many many blessings that God has given us, including friends, family and love. I give many thanks to the Lord and ask him to continue to bless our lives as he has to this day.
Posted by Maggie at 5:45 PM 0 comments