At around 10:00 pm last night, I laid myself down to, what I thought was going to be another amazing, peaceful night of rest....boy was I wrong! I woke up at 11:30 last night to what sounded like an enormous bear right outside of my window...I very quickly cuddled up next to Abner and said...Hun...what was that?? He says, oh it's just thunder...just thunder?! I thought, yea right, I was scared out of my wits for about 45 minutes. I spent that whole hour praying to God continuously to not let my house or that of my neighbors catch on fire! The lightening was literally striking right outside my window! I have NEVER in my life heard thunder roll over so loudly before, it was the scariest thing of my life. I kept wondering, if this is what it might be like when God gets angry...boy, I sure hope it wasn't me he was angry at! Anywho, the lightening did start a few fires, but they were controlled before they could cause too much damage. So here is an amazing picture ( I didnt take it) of the lightening last night. Enjoy and keep praying for my house b/c it looks like the lightening wants to come back!! :(

Looks scary, thunder scares the wits out of me too!!
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