So here he/she is!!! The first picture of our beautiful baby!!!! The doctor told me I was exactly 7 weeks 6 days pregnant :) My due date is May 1, 2009, right before mother's day!! Although, there was only one baby, I'm glad it's a healthy one!!! Up until today, I was still in somewhat of a denial and I wasn't too convinced that it could be true...sure enough, I saw the heart beat of my baby beating 162 times per minute, now I'm convinced! My next appointment is October 13, and I'll get to hear the it's tiny heart beating for the very first time, yay! For now, I'm still doing great, no kind of sickness or nausea, aside from feeling very, very tired alot, I'm doing great, thanks to God!! I would much rather be tired and sleeping then sick and leaning over the toilet! So thanks to everybody for your prayers, and please, keep them coming! P.S. I posted this picture the right way...I'm not too sure why it keeps flipping on it's side...sorry!

How cute, well, let me be one of the first to say, I think it's a girl! I just noticed on my first ultrasounds that the boys formed quicker than the girls, so that's my guess...
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