While most of you reading are putting up with the cold weather and snow...I sit here on my father in law's front porch in San Benito Mexico in 90 degree weather...and boy, am I loving it!! I got to wear a tank top with shorts and flip flops today, it's so nice out! I am sadly enjoying my last week here as we shall be returning to the cold weathered state of Washington next week. I hope you all had an awesome christmas and that you will have a fabulous new years as well. We are having a great time here, eating at Las Enramadas, having raspas, riding four wheelers (slowly of course), even hanging out clothes out on the line to dry is something I'm enjoying! I do have one sad note to report...a few days ago, my camera stopped working, it just stopped, it won't even turn on, without any warning, I cried for a day or two and then my mom so graciously offered me to use her camera, since she doesn't use it much. Whew...what a life saver! I have about 500+ pictures on my camera right now ready to be downloaded, but Abner's laptop won't read my memory card, so I'll have to post some up when I get home...sorry! Anywho, I bettter get going inside, it's getting dark and the mosquitos are really starting to come out! I still love it! By the way, our baby is continuing to grow and I have felt her kick and move everyday since I've been here, it's such an awesome feeling! I find it God's way of letting me know she's doing just fine. Thank God I haven't came down with any kind of cold and fever, it seems like everybody here has! So please pray for our safe trip home and God bless you all!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
43 Hours later...
We made it!!! We have reached Mission, Tx and we're here at my sister-in-law Sandra's house. Which, by the way, is a gorgeous house, this is my first time here, and I am truly impressed! After a very long 43 hours on the road, we have finally arrived to Texas. We will be going to Mexico tomorrow. I will probably not have time or a chance to post another blog until we get back home...oh well!! So for now...I wish everybody a happy holiday and may they be blessed tremendously. By the way...it was about 80 degrees when we got here at 11:30 this morning :)
Posted by Maggie at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
I Love Pink :)

Posted by Maggie at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Abner Eli Garza
Just a little something I have on my mind:
Why I Love MY Abner (in no specific order)::
- He always wants the best for me and for us.
- When we pray togther, he ALWAYS leads our prayer :)
- He prays for me when I'm sick.
- He prays for us when we're nervous about something.
- He prays to give thanks to God for all of our wonderful blessings.
- He protects me.
- He tucks me in at night when I ask him to.
- He can never take a nap or go to bed without me.
- He is the smartest person I know.
- He always desires to better himself.
- He provides for our family.
- He loves me unconditionaly.
- He grants me my every need.
- He grants me my every want.
- He talks to my tummy & expresses his love everyday for our baby girl.
- He makes sure I never go outside without a jacket.
- He helps me with anything & everything.
- He washes clothes without being asked to when I'm tired.
- I can always count on him to for anything.
- He never gets lost, even if it's his first time going somewhere.
- He plays the piano for me.
- He sings me songs.
- He makes songs up for me all the time (one of my favorite reasons for loving him)
- He goes to Walmart with me, even though he doesn't like to.
- He takes me on dates at least once a week.
- He fixes my laptop everytime it breaks.
- He built me a website.
- He tells me I'm beautiful at least 20 times a day.
- He Loves God with all his heart.
- He kisses me goodnight every night.
- He misses me all day even though we work together.
- He always makes sure I'm happy.
- He sticks up for me, no matter who he needs to confront.
- He is very trustworthy.
- He is reliable.
- He is easy to talk to.
- He is VERY cute :)
- He has a great sense of style and fashion.
- He always likes to talk about things.
- He wakes up at 4:30 am just to sit in bed to talk to me.
- He makes sure I know how much he loves me everyday.
- He is already a great daddy to our unborn baby :)
- He never even asks me to help him with yard work.
- He takes care of me when I'm sick.
- He respects me.
- He has never used any kinds of drugs or alcohol.
- He loves me, even when I'm silly.
- He loves to be silly with me.
- He knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.
- He puts up with me when I'm stubborn.
- The fact that this list could go on forever b/c of his incredible characteristics.
Posted by Maggie at 10:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Verdict is in!
Aside from the day I married my best friend, today has been the best day in a long time! First, I went to my ultra sound and found out we are having a baby GIRL!!! We're sooo super excited! We then went out to dinner with Ben and Martha to celebrate, where they gave me a little pair of slippers, they are so stinken adorable, I can't wait to put them on my baby! I then of course, had to go to the store and buy my baby girl her very first gift from us...three little onsies, one says I Love Mommy, the other I love Daddy, and the other Love Me. Anyways, the Dr. said she weighs about 8 ounces, about 7 inches long and looks beautiful! He did have one concern, but we're trusting in God that everything will be just fine, and that it was really nothing. My baby girl, she's a hyper one, she was moving and moving throughout the whole ultra sound, it was sooo cute! I'm falling in love with her already! Anyways, the best thing to happen today, that just topped off the whole day happend about 15 minutes ago...I was sitting up here with my hubby watching him play Halo as I was complaining about my laptop...and I felt her moving, like really moving, not just flutters! I quickly put my hand over where I felt her, and I could feel her with my hand, I said, HUN...FEEL!! Sure enough, Abner was able to feel our baby girl for the first time! It was so exciting!! It's starting to all feel so real now :)
Posted by Maggie at 8:58 PM 2 comments
This weekend!
Wow...so many things over the weekend, I dont know where to start! Actually, I do, the only thing that has been constantly on my mind all weekend and especially last night is that Today is the BIG day!! Today, I get to meet my baby growing inside of me :) Please pray that he/she will be healthy and that we will also be able to see if it is in fact a he or a she.
Thursday we had a "thanksgiving" dinner at our house with Aime and Mak and girls, Johanna and Misa and kids, Barby, Jacob and Jeremiah, and Nando and victor, it was a lot of fun! Friday, we had lunch with Abner's brothers and their wives, also much fun! Saturday, was probably the best day of the weekend, my brother Phil was released from the Hospital...woohoo!! Thank God!! Sunday, we were in church all day and that was great too :)
Yesterday, I must say, was a great day, surrounded by people I love. It also, felt a little like Christmas! Our compadres, Fidel and Mari, gave us a really nice big George Foreman Grill for christamas...I'm so excited to try it out! Then, after crying to my sister in laws on Friday b/c nothing in my closet fit me b/c of my ever-growing body, they were kind enough to shop for me as I was unable to. These gals are great! I was so overwhelmed last night with all the clothes they bought, and let me tell you, I can be 100% truthful when I say, I Loved all the clothes they picked out for me :) I felt like a little kid again when I was trying everything on, not only was it all super cute, it also fit great! Thank you girls so much for doing this, you have lifted my spirits so much :)
So anyways, I will definately post tonight or tomorrow about my Dr. visit today..I can't wait, my ultra sound is at 2!!!
Posted by Maggie at 9:08 AM 0 comments