Aside from the day I married my best friend, today has been the best day in a long time! First, I went to my ultra sound and found out we are having a baby GIRL!!! We're sooo super excited! We then went out to dinner with Ben and Martha to celebrate, where they gave me a little pair of slippers, they are so stinken adorable, I can't wait to put them on my baby! I then of course, had to go to the store and buy my baby girl her very first gift from us...three little onsies, one says I Love Mommy, the other I love Daddy, and the other Love Me. Anyways, the Dr. said she weighs about 8 ounces, about 7 inches long and looks beautiful! He did have one concern, but we're trusting in God that everything will be just fine, and that it was really nothing. My baby girl, she's a hyper one, she was moving and moving throughout the whole ultra sound, it was sooo cute! I'm falling in love with her already! Anyways, the best thing to happen today, that just topped off the whole day happend about 15 minutes ago...I was sitting up here with my hubby watching him play Halo as I was complaining about my laptop...and I felt her moving, like really moving, not just flutters! I quickly put my hand over where I felt her, and I could feel her with my hand, I said, HUN...FEEL!! Sure enough, Abner was able to feel our baby girl for the first time! It was so exciting!! It's starting to all feel so real now :)
8 years ago
Wow, Maggie, I'm sooo excited for you and your soon to come baby girl...and as for the baby moving...enjoy it all, it's a little miracle growing inside of you!!
:) proud daddy :)
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