So ok...I'm sitting here in my hospital bed all hooked up, and still I wanted to be sure to keep my faithful viewers up to date on the happenings of the delivery of Baby kaylee. We were sent here from the clinic yesterday due to low amniotic fluid levels. The Dr is concerned that the umbilical cord might be crushed due to low fluids, so they set me up on monitors yesterday at around 5:30pm. I had no pains or contractions, to my knowledge. I am exactly 36 weeks pregnant today, so baby is still a little early, but we have hope, faith and trust in God that she will be just fine :) At around 9:30 this morning they started adding pitocin to my IV to speedy up the contractions, now that there is room for Kaylee in NICU. It is now 11:15am and I am having frequent contractions, thank God no painful ones just yet! So here we sit and wait...I am a little frightened..ok, A LOT frightened, but I know that God is on our side and I pray that he gives me the strength I need to continue through this as well as to take my nervousness away!! and that he gives Kaylee all the strength she will need to fight this long battle! Also strength for Abner :) So thank you all for your prayers, calls, and texts, we will try t0 keep you as updated as possible! Please continue to pray for us :)

Good luck Maggie and baby Kaylee! I know that angels are surrounding you both, and Abner too! We are praying hard!
Congratulations to you and Abner!! She is here! Tiny but beautiful:) just like her mommy;) God Bless you guys and help you to a speedy recovery.
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