Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank You!!

So as mentioned in the blog before, yesterday was mine and Nando's birthday. I just want to thank everybody for making it such a special day!! First of all to God, for giving me another year of life, I don't know where I'd be if I didn't put my faith in God day in and day out. Secondly, I'd like to thank my wonderful husband who is the most amazing man on the face of this earth :) I love you babe! To Aime for the awesome cake and to Aliyah and Anissa for their gifts and awesome awesome homemade birthday cards :) Thanks to everybody who called, texted, commented, or saw me in person and wished me a happy birthday, you sure do know how to brighten a gal's day :)
Yesterday we went to Aime's to have some delicious cake, and we were so entertained with Aimee Mae. Here is a video clip of her many dance moves...mind you, she does NOT know how to walk yet, and yet she is able to stand and dance like this! MaƱas?...I think so! Anyways, thanks again to everybody may God bless you guys 10 times more than he did me, and enjoy this video!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANDO!!!!!! Woohoo!! We're another year older...I wonder how long it'll be before we stop saying Woohoo and start saying Oh NO!! So today's the big day again, we're 23!! All I have to say is thanks for sharing the womb with me and not eating ALL the food!! Some people might say you have all the height, and I have all the looks, and as true as that may be, you're still one of the greatest brothers out there! Thanks for always being there for me and sticking up for me. You and I were born together and will always have that special bond; thank you for being who you are and being somebody not only I can look up to but my daughter will be able to as well. Any gal would be lucky to have you by their side :) You are a man of God and don't let anybody or anything change that. Although we can't spend today together, I wish you the awesomest day ever!! Have a fabulous trip :)
P.S. Nando...we need to take more pictures together...I think this is the most recent one I have of us..pretty sad! That's not the only thing that is sad, but I know you don't like this picture b/c it's the saddest day of your life, when I got married...and had to move far away from you... :) Love you!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Aime

Today...a few years ago (don't worry aime, I won't say how many), my older sister brought much joy and excitement to my parents, being their first born child. Aime has been an awesome big sister to me, even when I was little and annoying, now that I'm older and a little less annoying, she continues to be the best sister a gal could ever ask for. I thank God every day for her, she has always been the greatest of supporters. She also blessed our lives with three amazing girls, whom we couldn't love more! So thanks Aime for all you do and for being who you are! I hope you and Mak have a great time tonight, I'm really looking forward to spending a couple hours with the girls!!! So here is a picture of Aime with two of her girls, they have kind of scared faces because it's New Year's and so there are fireworks and gun shots being heard in the background. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIME and Love ya!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


First of all, I would like to say, this blog is dedicated to Nando! No, it's not his birthday or anything like that, but he's just always been a great brother. Anyways, I dedicate this blog to him because he is a very dedicated reader of my blog :) Although he doesn't comment very much, he is always talking about my blog and he tells me that he checks it every day. Aww...isn't that so sweet! Thanks bro for all your support in everything I do! Love you :)
So being that I am 26 weeks pregnant, I like to "blame" a lot of the things I do on that, it works out pretty well! Last week I had the "craving" for some homemade chocolate chip cookies, I've never been really good at baking cookies, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways. Well, low and behold, these cookies actually came out pretty good. I was so proud of myself, I had to take a picture of them! The best part was that they even came out soft, and stayed soft for a few days! I supposed I really liked them because I also added pecans, my favorite kind of nut! Anyways, here's a picture of them, enjoy! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not very good bang for the buck!

After such a long anticipated wait to try P.F. Chang's which was built last year, we finally had the opportunity to go tonight. We went with our good friends, Michael and Yenni and although we had an awesome time, full of laughs, I must say, the food wasn't what I expected it to be. Not only where the prices kind of spendy but I am dissappointed to say, the food wasn't all that great either! The restuarant was one of the nicest I have been to, decorated very nicely and the staff was great, however the food was not up to parr. I'm not going to say it was horrible, but for half the price, you can get the same amount of food (if not more) at a much better flavor and price at Panda Express. Sorry for those of you who really enjoy this place, this is simply my opinion. Overall, I would rate this place a 2 out of 5. Oh well, at least we had some good out of the night, we got to spend time with Michael and Yenni and thier kids and we also finally got to try out this new restuarant, and can now share with others about our experience.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Snowing...Not Snowing...

What's this white stuff falling from the sky??!! Snow, you say?? do we get it to stop?!! Oh just stopped...wait a minute, there it goes again...nevermind, it stopped...what is going on with this crazy weather?? I'm sitting on my couch with my windows open, and I see the snow fall and stop and over and over. I thought it was so funny, I had to blog about it. I want to show you some pictures that I took, I was taking a picture of one side of the yard, and when I got to the other side of the yard, it was not snowing anymore! Wow, you might say, you're yard must be pretty big for that to happen, but it's actually really small, that's how fast it started and stopped snowing!
Anyways, I'm not sure if I mentioned that my awesome husband took me to Costco to buy a camera the day after we got back from Mexico. It's the same kind I had, but the upgrade...I LOVE IT!! It's a Canon Power Shot SD 1100 IS Digital Eleph. Thanks honey bunny!! I love how it takes pictures :)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thanks Maddy

So, first of all I just wanted to thank everybody for all your votes on my poll...I didnt even think I would get this many! Keep them coming...your opinion really counts!
Secondly, I just had to post this picture that is oh so cute! Thank you to Madeline and Bryson and Brandon who helped her for drawing this picture for us. I love, it's the cutest drawing I have ever seen!! I have put it up on my desk for everyone to enjoy. The sweetest part is on the bottom where it says, Thank you for the baby makes me want to cry everytime I see it. Thanks Maddy! Which reminds me, Ben and Martha, you guys should definately let the kids vote for their favorite name, I'm sure Bryson will have some input on it! Everybody have a great day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Perfect Name

Hello everybody! As some of you may have noticed...I have added a poll to my blog at the top of the posts. Please, take a minute and vote for your favorite name for our baby girl who (God willing, of course) should be arriving May 1st :) The poll will close April 1st, any comments with middle names are greatly appreciated!! I don't want to tell you quite yet which name is our favorite, so that I can get your opinion first. So please, take the poll, tell your friends about it, have them take it too!! This is our first baby and her name has to be perfect! Thanks and have a fabulous day!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


We're back!!! After a very long drive back, I am thankful to God for getting us here safely and with no worries. We are back to see our beautiful home, just like we left it. I have to admit, although we had a great time in Mexico, it's good to be back. It's funny how we never realize how comfortable we live, only when we don't have those comformities any more! In simple english...I missed my comfy bed!!! You can check out all my pictures on my myspace. Here is one picture of me doing what i did best, eating and sitting :)

Today was my 24 week check up at the dr. office. It went fairly well, considering I gained a whole lot of weight!!! The Dr. told me baby and I are both doing fine, we heard the baby's heart beat, still in the 150's. We set up another ultrasound for next month, Febuary 4th, I will also be testing for gestational diabetes next month. I pray that everything goes well. Thank God for everything he has done for my family and I this month :)