Today...a few years ago (don't worry aime, I won't say how many), my older sister brought much joy and excitement to my parents, being their first born child. Aime has been an awesome big sister to me, even when I was little and annoying, now that I'm older and a little less annoying, she continues to be the best sister a gal could ever ask for. I thank God every day for her, she has always been the greatest of supporters. She also blessed our lives with three amazing girls, whom we couldn't love more! So thanks Aime for all you do and for being who you are! I hope you and Mak have a great time tonight, I'm really looking forward to spending a couple hours with the girls!!! So here is a picture of Aime with two of her girls, they have kind of scared faces because it's New Year's and so there are fireworks and gun shots being heard in the background. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIME and Love ya!

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