We're back!!! After a very long drive back, I am thankful to God for getting us here safely and with no worries. We are back to see our beautiful home, just like we left it. I have to admit, although we had a great time in Mexico, it's good to be back. It's funny how we never realize how comfortable we live, only when we don't have those comformities any more! In simple english...I missed my comfy bed!!! You can check out all my pictures on my myspace. Here is one picture of me doing what i did best, eating and sitting :)
Today was my 24 week check up at the dr. office. It went fairly well, considering I gained a whole lot of weight!!! The Dr. told me baby and I are both doing fine, we heard the baby's heart beat, still in the 150's. We set up another ultrasound for next month, Febuary 4th, I will also be testing for gestational diabetes next month. I pray that everything goes well. Thank God for everything he has done for my family and I this month :)

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