First of all, I would like to say, this blog is dedicated to Nando! No, it's not his birthday or anything like that, but he's just always been a great brother. Anyways, I dedicate this blog to him because he is a very dedicated reader of my blog :) Although he doesn't comment very much, he is always talking about my blog and he tells me that he checks it every day. Aww...isn't that so sweet! Thanks bro for all your support in everything I do! Love you :)
So being that I am 26 weeks pregnant, I like to "blame" a lot of the things I do on that, it works out pretty well! Last week I had the "craving" for some homemade chocolate chip cookies, I've never been really good at baking cookies, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyways. Well, low and behold, these cookies actually came out pretty good. I was so proud of myself, I had to take a picture of them! The best part was that they even came out soft, and stayed soft for a few days! I supposed I really liked them because I also added pecans, my favorite kind of nut! Anyways, here's a picture of them, enjoy! :)

WOW, when i was dieing for cookies last week i didnt get any!!! J/k its all good. Thanks for the dedication, love ya too :D
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