We had our first real scare with Kaylee this morning...you see, since late morning Thursday, she has not done poopy :) We tried giving her milicon, manzanilla, sticking a thermometer in her bottom, nothing worked! Now, she's not fussy or crying and she's eating regularly so we weren't overly concerned. However, being that today was Sunday, 3 days without poopy can't be good, especially for a tiny baby, I thought. So I called the only clinic that is open and asked if they would see a baby or if I had to take her to a pediatrician. She asked for Kaylee's symptoms and said that I should "take her to the ER right now! It could be an obstruction and that's very dangerous, take her to the ER now!" So natuarally, I cried a little as I hung up the phone and told Abner we had to take our 44 day old baby to the hospital :( Well, we arrived, and as I looked around I thanked God that Kaylee didn't look as sick as the other people that were in there waiting! Anywho, they attended us fairly quickly, considering the amount of people there. They took some X-Rays and the Dr tried to stimulate her bottom again, but they found nothing wrong with her! Praise God! Dr. said she had gas and there was no "stool buildup" in her tummy, so she was fine. So, I'm releaved and thankful that they didn't find anything, but I'm quite puzzled. I can't help but wonder what is going on inside her little tummy and how come there's no poopy coming out! Oh well, it's all in God's hands, and I will do as the Dr. said and not worry unless she starts being fussy or runs a fever. As long as she still eating and sleeping good, which she is, I will not worry :) Here are some pictures of us in the ER this morning, Happy Sunday!

Poor Kaylee, hope she feels better soon!!
She went poopy!!!!! Twice, thank you Jesus! :)
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