I never thought someone could be as close to perfect as my husband. I can not say he is perfect, b/c only God is perfect, but he sure is the next closest thing, that's for sure! Why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you about my very best 1st Mother's Day, all made possible by my honey, Abner E. Garza :) It all started Saturday evening as I walked downstairs and was surprised to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on my kitchen counter with an envelope that said: To the most wonderful mom, Happy 1st Mother's Day. Inside this envelope was a gift certificate for a mani/pedi :) Sunday morning (the real mother's day), he made a delicious breakfast of waffles, eggs and hashbrowns, all my favorites! And ladies, not only did he cook breakfast all by himself, he also cleaned up and washed the dishes, all by himself!! He made sure I was happy and content all day and that I was having the best Mother's day ever :) Thanks babe for everything you did and do for me and Kaylee, you are an amazing husband and father, we are so lucky to have you and we love you very very very much! I hope all the mother's out there had a great a day as I did, b/c we sure do deserve it! Here is a picture of our perfect little family yesterday.

Thanks Hun. You deserve all that and more.
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