Only if your a new mommy! :) My good friend Jenny surprised me with this awesome little book called, Porn for New's absolutely adorable! Thanks Jen for being so wonderful and for this awesome book that made me crack up as I know it made others crack up too as they read this blog! Any new mom would definitely appreciate this book, and every new daddy could really learn some good pointers! The inside of this book has pictures of very "sexy" men holding babies quoting things that only new mommys would appreciate; things such as: "So, tell me again, what was the consistency of the poop?" and "Ok, you can hold him for a minute, but I want him right back!" and my favorite one: " No, no! Sit down! I'll do the dishes. After nine and a half months of pregnancy, 26 hours of labor and 18 stitches, you don't have to do a darn thing around here!" This book, along with the pictures and quotes would make any mom feel good, hence the title, Porn for new moms. :)

Those guys are
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