Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We got a MAC!!!! Finally, after years (yes, years) of hearing my husband say..."I need a new laptop!" we finally ordered an iMac!! It's not a laptop, but we will eventually get him a new laptop also. My poor honey makes a living with working on and around computers, and he had one of the oldest laptops imaginable! Well, he is just as happy as a clam (as am I), now that we have ordered this awesome new machine! We can't wait till it gets here, hopefully it'll be here by the end of the week and we (yes honey, WE! you need to share) can play with it all weekend! I will definately be posting pictures of Abner and his new toy as soon as we get it in. Anyways, just super excited and wanted everybody to know our exitement!!
On a side note, we will get to take another sneak peak at our little rugrat, Kaylee, tomorrow as we get another ultrasound done. As always, prayers are very much appreciated in that everything wil turn out great! Pictures will be posted tomorrow :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thanks B & M Creations!!!!!!!!

Our dear, dear sister-in-law and brother-in-law took our "sexy" pictures (as Abner calls them)last weekend and I must say, they are soooo cute!! Thanks guys, you guys are the greatest, not sure how we could ever repay you!!! Hopefully the enchiladas showed at least a little of our gratitude :) Anywho, here we are, at 34 weeks pregnant with Kaylee Elise, and we couldn't be happier!! Thanks again to B & M Creations for all of our photo/video/invitation needs!!! These people are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I highly recommend them (and not only b/c they're family), just look for yourself, you will love their work!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I love Holidays! Why, you ask?? Because my all-time favorite candy, sweettarts, always comes out with new delicious ways to sell their product. Well as I walked down the Easter aisle at the grocery store today, I found a delightful surprise! Sweettarts Jelly Beans!! Let me tell you...these are the best darn jelly beans I have ever ate! In the words of the intellegent, Dora the Explorer....yum, yum, yum, yum....DELICIOSO!!!! As I sit here typing, I am trying to resist the urge to purge in this bag of delightfulness, but it's sooo hard!! So, if you have yet to try these wonderful jelly beans, what in the world are you waiting for??? Go and get some!! Here is a website I found on these jelly beans as well... http://www.typetive.com/candyblog/item/sweetart_jelly_beans/

Woohoo Nando!!!!

Just wanted to share an update on my bro Nando and his final finals :) I am super, extra, extremely, tremendously, HUGELY proud of him. You see, not ONLY did he pass all his finals and all his classes...he also Dean Listed this quarter!!! What a great accomplishment and amazing way to end your last quarter of school!! For those of you who don't know what that means, that means, that he scored higher than 3.0 GPA (it might be 3.5, not sure) overall in his classes. Congrats again Dude!! To celebrate his awesomeness we had a little family get together and bar-b-que and my brother Phil's house this last weekend, and I must say...the food was absolutely PHENOMENAL! Here are a couple of pictures from that day. And nando, just like the sign says...Good luck, Congrats and....It's time to FIND A JOB!! :) Love you bro, couldn't be prouder of ya!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hero of the Day!!

As I am busily working away at my desk I see something moving on the wall behind my monitor. I blink and stare at my computer praying that it won't be a spider....as I look up...sure enough...there is a nasty, nasty, NASTY black widow spider crawling on the wall! "Ahhh!!! There is a humongous gross spider over here!!" I screamed...and my coworker Margarita, who I have titled my hero of the day, says, "oh, do you want me to kill it?" so nonsaliently, as if this spider issue was not a big deal...I said YES!!! So here she comes, climbing on the cubicle desk next to mine trying to get to this hideous thing, and sure enough, that ugly spider didn't stand a chance to the ultra powers of Mighty Margarita!!! So thanks Margarita, for saving my life!! Now I just hope I don't have any nightmares!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Little chubby cheeks!!

Here she is!!! Miss Elliana Lizeth Gomez, weighing in at 8.4lbs and measuring 19.5 inches! Wow...Liz did an amazing job with this little chunky monkey! She's gorgeous and we can't wait to meet her in person. Thanks for all of you who kept her in your prayers, they sure did pay off!Congrats to Abe and Liz!

Go Liz!!!

What an exciting day! The first day of spring (thank God the sun is shining!!) and Liz is in the hospital delivering her baby!!!!!!!!!! Too bad it's Friday and we still have to work...oh well! Anyways, I post this blog so you all can remember Liz today and say a quick prayer for her. Pray that all goes well with her and baby and that Daddy can have all the strength he needs as well!!! It'll be a tough day for the three of them and I'm sure they'd appreciate a prayer! Woohoo...congrats Liz and Abe!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Raving again!

Now, I know I always rave about having the best husband in the world, but the truth of the matter is, that is just truly how I feel. Abner has proved to me, once again, as he does everyday, that he is in fact, the most amazing man ever! This morning at 4:15 am, I had another one of those miserable leg cramps, and it left my leg very sore, in fact, it was so sore, that I couldn't go back to sleep. Abner must have noticed something was wrong b/c he woke up, and I told him that I was in pain. He immidiatly got up and began to massage my leg. I felt very bad for him, but the massage sure did feel good and it helped me relax and go back to sleep.
Anyways, I'm at the Red Lion Hotel right now, working at a conference, therefore I do not have any pictures to add with this post. I just wanted to share with everybody how at a loss of words I am with my darling husband. I really do appreciate every single little detail he does for me, love you hun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Swayin' and movin'

I'm not sure how many of you who read my blog have ever had the experience of carrying a baby inside of you...well, let me tell you, the word incredible, doesn't even begin to express the joy I feel. As I sit here typing away I can see my tummy and shirt move in a swaying motion, it's the most hilarious thing in the world! It's unimaginable to think that there is a itsy bitsy tiny baby growing inside of me...this, my friend, is one of the amazing ways God shows his power and love. Now I know what they mean when they say you begin to love your baby before you even meet! With every kick, sway, jerk and hiccup (the funniest thing ever), inside of me, I love her more!
I just ask prayers for us as our time of delivery gets closer. I also ask that you guys keep my cousin Elizabeth in your prayers as well, her due date is this saturday, so that beautiful baby girl can come any day now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Woohoo Nando!!!!!!

(Tear, tear!)...I'm so proud of my brother Nando!! God willing, he will be the first in our family to graduate with not only one B.A. degree...but 2!! Nando is a very faithful visitor to my blog, and that's why I love him! This week he is working on his last finals for college and I want to wish him the very best of luck! Even though I know he won't need it, he's super smart, and is going to do awesome!!!!!!! Nando, I will be praying for you this week, and I know God will bless you with an amazing job opportunity soon. You are an amazing person, inside and out and very smart, and any firm/company/agency would be extremely lucky and blessed to have you working for them! Good luck this week and in your ever-so-nearing future! Love you :)
Here is a picture of Nando and Abner in Mexico...aren't they so cute!

Monday, March 16, 2009

457 Page Views!!!

I Love Google Analytics :) My ever so tech-savvy husband of mine, added this feature to my blog, and it's so cool! For those of you who don't know what it is, it isn't anything you see if you visit my blog. It's a google account that I log onto and it tells me everything and anything I want to know about people who visit my blog. It tells me how many page views I've had, where the hits are located, what ISP that person is using, how long they were on my page and so forth. Anyways, I'm super excited, b/c in one month, from February 13th through March 15th, I had 457 page views!!! I'll admit, about 200 of those are probably from me but even so, that's still a lot of hits for my little ol' blog :) I even had people from Australia and France visit my page, how cool is that?! Here's a picture of what my graph looks like for the people that visit my page. It's soo cool!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


We finally finished!!!!! Kaylee's nursery is complete and we couldn't be prouder of ourselves!! After an exhausting 3 weeks, Abner and I finally found the time to finish painting the walls. We also put together the really cute crib my mom and dad bought for Kaylee :) So here it is, our finished nursery, what do you think??

Hanging Letters!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Background!!

In celebration of the sun shining outside, I decided I needed a new "look" for my blog. The theme I had was too dark and "wintery." I think this one is more springy and I'm hoping this will convince the sun to shine more! :) While your here, play a game of Tic Tac Toe on the right hand side! So...what do you think??

Monday, March 9, 2009

Post 100!!!

Last year, when I started this blog, I never thought I would actually keep up with it, and today, with this blog, marks my 100th post...woohoo!!! What better way to celebrate this commencement than with a post of the proud work my hubby and I have accomplished today...we have made some really good progress in Kaylee's room...yes, finally!! Anywho, last week we added the darker green stripe, and today we painted polka dots on one of the walls. Now, we are no professionals, but I must say, they came out looking pretty darn good, I'm so proud of us!! We also decided to paint some flowers on some white canvas versus painting them on the wall. We bought 4 canvas' and decided we would each paint a flower for our Kaylee and hang it on the wall. Abner got a head start on his today and completed it while I did the polka dots. I must say, I LOVE IT!!! It is absolutely adorable, he did an amazing job!! So here are a few pics of the progress so far. Oh by the way, that's our changing table, the only piece of furniture we have purchased for the nursery :) Tell us what you think of our artistic skills....but please, be kind! The first picture is the before picture of the room :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Final Verdict (hopefully)

As some of you frequent visitors may notice, I have removed the baby name poll from my blog. The winning name, with 25 out of 67 votes was Hailie :) Although we love this name, we noticed it was too common and wanted something just as cute but not as common. So finally, after 32 weeks of debating on a name we have decided on one!!! It was, in no way, easy. I must have told Abner a million different names that I liked, and to each he would find a reason as to why we couldn't name "our daughter" that. Well...here it is...tell us what you think.... Kaylee Elise Garza :) You see, it still has the same sound as Hailie, but with a K instead, so it's a bit different. Elise (pronounced: Eleece) was chosen b/c it sounds a little like Abner's middle name, Eli (in spanish). Anywho, just wanted to let you all know of our decision, we are very very excited!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hello Officer!

Yes...it has finally happened. At the ripe old age of 23 (is that right, hun?), I got pulled over for the very first time :( In all honestly, I always presumed I would take it very badly when it happened, I assumed I would fall into an episode of endless tears in front of the officer, or that I would be raged at the assumption he had made on his excuse for pulling me over. However, that was not the case. He pulled me over for "failing to make a complete stop!" Of all things right? Well, here's the deal, I wake up this morning, to drive my sister in law to the airport, I leave my house about 4:15am and the first 4-way intersection I come to, I stop, and he stops on my left. I knew, almost instantly, that he was there, I even said it out loud to Delma. So of course, I thought I had made a complete stop and proceeded on my way...about a block down the road, he decides to flash his blue and red lights at me! The haddasity! Well, I was expecting this fat ugly man to come to my window, and was pleasantly surprised when a fairly handsome police officer came to the window and pointed his ever-so-bright flash light in my face. I must say, he was very nice and in return, I too, was very nice and pleasant towards him. It must have paid off...I didn't get a ticket!! Oh, and by the way, I still managed to get Delma to the airport with plenty of time to spare :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Baby G

Well, my coworkers just got back from Orlando, Florida from a "conference" they went to down there. They brought me back a souvenior and I just had to share with you all, b/c it's so dang cute! They are Minnie Ears from Disney World :) The back says "Baby G" b/c as you know, we (meaning my husband) are having a very difficult time choosing a name for our baby girl. So anyways, Thanks Erika!!! :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hula Bowling!

Yup, Hula Bowling! We did a Jr. Achievement fund raising event with some work buddies last nigh at the bowling alley, and it was a Hawaiian theme...we had a blast! My favorite part of the night was when Jennie, my coworker/friend "volunteered" to do the chicken dance with a group of people. It was hilarious. Here is a video clip of her, she's the one in the sunglasses with a bikini top and hula skirt, you might also recognize her as the best darn chicken out there! Way to go Jennie!! You're awesome!!! The following pictures are of Amber, Jennie and I and the other one is of the ESD team who bowled, noticed I'm not pictured, b/c I was only a cheerleader :)

Liz and I :)

It's only the middle of the week, and already we've been so busy! Busy enough to not have done anything else with the painting of the baby room, hopefully we can pick up the slack tonight :) Anywho, one of the events I went to this week was to Liz's baby shower on Monday. Liz is my first cousin, who is also having her first baby, she's due in only 3 weeks...good Luck Liz!!! Anyways, she's a great person, and I love her to death, and I'm sooooo excited about going through this pregnancy with her and knowing that our little girls (yes she is also having a girl, Elliana Lizeth) will be able to grow and play together! Here is a picture of us at her baby shower. I will post more about the fun night we had last night...we went Hula Bowling!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

slowly progressing...

The good news is...we finally got started on painting the nursery. The bad news....we didn't get very far! After a really late start on Saturday, we also cut the day short, b/c we had company stop by the house. Here are a couple of pictures from our progress...on the first picture, the bottom half of the walls is the original color of the entire room. The second picture is where we stopped. We still have a lot of painting to do, you only see 2 colors in this second picture, and the reality is we bought 7 different colors of paint that we want to incorporate into the room. It it'll be interesting to see how it'll all turn out, so stay tuned!