Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Woohoo Nando!!!!!!

(Tear, tear!)...I'm so proud of my brother Nando!! God willing, he will be the first in our family to graduate with not only one B.A. degree...but 2!! Nando is a very faithful visitor to my blog, and that's why I love him! This week he is working on his last finals for college and I want to wish him the very best of luck! Even though I know he won't need it, he's super smart, and is going to do awesome!!!!!!! Nando, I will be praying for you this week, and I know God will bless you with an amazing job opportunity soon. You are an amazing person, inside and out and very smart, and any firm/company/agency would be extremely lucky and blessed to have you working for them! Good luck this week and in your ever-so-nearing future! Love you :)
Here is a picture of Nando and Abner in Mexico...aren't they so cute!


Ben said...

I check it 3 times daily too...

Maggie said...

Thanks Ben :) I really appreciate it...makes me feel special!!

Anonymous said...

Nando is a very faithful visitor to my blog, and that's why I love him!????? You only love me because i visit your blog?! J/k, thanks Maggie you're great. Love the pic :)