(Tear, tear!)...I'm so proud of my brother Nando!! God willing, he will be the first in our family to graduate with not only one B.A. degree...but 2!! Nando is a very faithful visitor to my blog, and that's why I love him! This week he is working on his last finals for college and I want to wish him the very best of luck! Even though I know he won't need it, he's super smart, and is going to do awesome!!!!!!! Nando, I will be praying for you this week, and I know God will bless you with an amazing job opportunity soon. You are an amazing person, inside and out and very smart, and any firm/company/agency would be extremely lucky and blessed to have you working for them! Good luck this week and in your ever-so-nearing future! Love you :)
Here is a picture of Nando and Abner in Mexico...aren't they so cute!

I check it 3 times daily too...
Thanks Ben :) I really appreciate it...makes me feel special!!
Nando is a very faithful visitor to my blog, and that's why I love him!????? You only love me because i visit your blog?! J/k, thanks Maggie you're great. Love the pic :)
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