I love Holidays! Why, you ask?? Because my all-time favorite candy, sweettarts, always comes out with new delicious ways to sell their product. Well as I walked down the Easter aisle at the grocery store today, I found a delightful surprise! Sweettarts Jelly Beans!! Let me tell you...these are the best darn jelly beans I have ever ate! In the words of the intellegent, Dora the Explorer....yum, yum, yum, yum....DELICIOSO!!!! As I sit here typing, I am trying to resist the urge to purge in this bag of delightfulness, but it's sooo hard!! So, if you have yet to try these wonderful jelly beans, what in the world are you waiting for??? Go and get some!! Here is a website I found on these jelly beans as well... http://www.typetive.com/candyblog/item/sweetart_jelly_beans/

Ok, so you got me hooked on these dumb candies. I had my poor wife looking for these all over town! I kept telling her to search hi and low, Maggie say's they are worth it.
I must admit, they are quite tasty... and addicting. Good luck with the pregnancy cuz. My wife is now pregnant and craving them also...
April Fools :)
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