Our dear, dear sister-in-law and brother-in-law took our "sexy" pictures (as Abner calls them)last weekend and I must say, they are soooo cute!! Thanks guys, you guys are the greatest, not sure how we could ever repay you!!! Hopefully the enchiladas showed at least a little of our gratitude :) Anywho, here we are, at 34 weeks pregnant with Kaylee Elise, and we couldn't be happier!! Thanks again to B & M Creations for all of our photo/video/invitation needs!!! These people are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I highly recommend them (and not only b/c they're family), just look for yourself, you will love their work!

oh my gosh what beautiful pictures!
Maggie, good thing you took these pics when you did:) Who would've known that 2 weeks later you would see your beautiful Kaylee! I love the pics, they came out great, but of course, you are beautiful!
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