has finally happened. At the ripe old age of 23 (is that right, hun?), I got pulled over for the very first time :( In all honestly, I always presumed I would take it very badly when it happened, I assumed I would fall into an episode of endless tears in front of the officer, or that I would be raged at the assumption he had made on his excuse for pulling me over. However, that was not the case. He pulled me over for "failing to make a complete stop!" Of all things right? Well, here's the deal, I wake up this morning, to drive my sister in law to the airport, I leave my house about 4:15am and the first 4-way intersection I come to, I stop, and he stops on my left. I knew, almost instantly, that he was there, I even said it out loud to Delma. So of course, I thought I had made a complete stop and proceeded on my way...about a block down the road, he decides to flash his blue and red lights at me! The haddasity! Well, I was expecting this fat ugly man to come to my window, and was pleasantly surprised when a fairly handsome police officer came to the window and pointed his ever-so-bright flash light in my face. I must say, he was very nice and in return, I too, was very nice and pleasant towards him. It must have paid off...I didn't get a ticket!! Oh, and by the way, I still managed to get Delma to the airport with plenty of time to spare :)

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