Yesterday marked 30 weeks pregnant...only 10 more weeks till we get to meet our beautiful baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abner and I have been collecting our spare change, along with a few donations from visitors we've had at home, in a big iced tea can to help buy the baby's crib. So today, after a few weeks of collecting, we went to trade it in for cash, and check out some cribs. The grand total of this full iced tea can was.....$109.22!!! We looked around in a few different places, and I think we have found the one we like at Target...we hope to go and get it soon, since we went in our car today. So anyways, below is a picture of Abner trading in our funds :) It was so cute...
We also went to a mardi-gras themed employee dinner tonight and we had a ton of fun!! We had "casino" activities, all friendly, no bidding allowed, and I learned how to play Texas Hold 'em!! It was so much fun, we played with pretend chips, and at the end of the night, I had two disposible cups full of chips!! If only it was for real money....we would have gone back to Target and bought the crib, changing table, and glider chair all at once!

Anyways, it's getting late, so I better get to bed, we have church in the morning. Please continue to pray for our church to find unity and grow closer together and more importanly closer to God. May all of the elections taking place be from God.
I'm going to tell mom you were playing poker!! J/k Dude $109 thats pretty sweet, good luck picking out the crib, make sure there isnt any recalls on it, lol. Take it easy.....
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