Too bad I don't eat apples regularly...Did I ever mention I am so terrified of the dentist chair?!! I absolutely hate foreign objects (Ex: the long mirror thingy, the drill, and who could forget, good ol' Mr. Slurrpy...all at the same time!) in my mouth...they make me gag! Well, yup, you guessed it, I have a dreaded dentist appointment in about 45 minutes!! YIKES!!! Anybody want to go in place of me?? Embarrassing as it is, I haven't been to the dentist in quite some time, you see, as soon as I turned 18, my insurance gave up, and it wasn't until now that I finally have insurance to see the dentist! Well...they can't really do much to me today, being that I'm 7 months pregnant, I think they'll just do a regular cleaning...which I hope won't be too bad!! The most thing I'm terrified of is the dentist telling me that my baby has sucked all my juices and I now have to have a root canal done, aahhh!!!! So anywho...wish me luck, and lets hope for no cavities, no root canals, no icky things!!!! Just clean, pearly whites!!
8 years ago
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