So today marks lonely night number 1...yes, it's true, my honey bunny has left for a conference/training for work to Portland, OR. He left a few hours ago and isn't coming back until Friday...I've never been apart from him for more than one night since we've gotten's going to be the saddest week ever...but I'm going to make the best of it, b/c that's what he wants me to do! I will not think about being sad or lonely, I will make the most and enjoy my "self time." I will continue to blog this week and let you know how I'm doing...but I know I'll be just fine!! :)
Anywho...on Valentine's Day, Abner and I went out with my family to Famous Dave's. My parents wanted to take us out for all of our birthdays. It was a lot of fun and a lot of great food!! After we had dinner we came to my house and played a little Mad Gab...Yes Nando, you smoked us, but I will definately redeem myself!!!! Just wait...I'm gonna smoke you so bad one of these days! After that, they all left b/c they had a long drive home, and Abner and I went over to Yenni and Michaels'. Fidel and Mari also joined us there, and we had a ton of fun just hanging out and talking. I love to see Abner hanging out with his friends and having a good time. Anyways, here are a couple of pictures from Famous Daves. By the way...I made gorditas for the very first time ever this day, and they came out pretty good!!!

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