I had a very interesting sleep last night, full of many dreams. I wanted to share with you all one of the dreams that I had and my experience this morning. Some may not believe what I have to say, but I will say it anyways, b/c this is what I saw and experienced :)
I had a dream, I don't remember exactly who was with me in this dream, I believe I remember my mom and Abner there, but I'm not sure who else. Anyways, it looked like one of those movie scenes, where the end of the world had come. The place we were walking was deserted...there were no buildings, cars or people anywhere. It seemed like a big desert and in the distance we could see some fires, and the wind and dust where blowing; although there were not any buildings or anything, I could hear a radio in the background saying that this was it, the wars around the world had begun....this is all I remember, b/c I was awaken by an extreme urge to go to the restroom (it's a pregnancy thing :) ). Anywho, I got up went to the restroom, and went back to bed, and said a quick prayer for God to protect me and my loved ones from whatever is going to happen. I'm not sure what the dream meant, but I prayed that God would help us prepare our lives for whatever was to come. Well, when I awoke this morning to the sound of my alarm, I turned to stretch and open my eyes. As I opened my eyes...I saw something; something I had never seen before. I was looking towards the cieling and the foot of my bed at the same time, and I can clearly recall what I saw....it was a man's figure, dressed in white. I'm not sure if it was the figure of Christ or of an angel, but one thing I know for sure, is that he was there to protect and look over Abner and I as we slept. As I told Abner of what I saw this morning, he asked if I had tried to speak to him, and I said, actually...I did, I said a quick prayer, I said Thank You :) Thank you, b/c I know you are here to watch and protect me and my family. I blinked a few times, and the image was gone.
So I end my blog today with a quote from a really good book we have begun to read in our Monday nights study group: "...the only way you can slay the giants that stand between you and the life you were made for is, 'rediculous faith.'" This book is called: One Month to Live, Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life by Kerry & Chris Shook. I'm only on day 3, but I really recommend it :)
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