I had an another Dr. visit last Thursday, however, I haven't had a chance to blog about it, I've been too busy and if not busy too tired! Well the visit this time was to see if they can get a clearer view of the baby's heart, since they couldn't see it very well in the last one. They did get a better view this time and the Dr. said although there were some things they couldn't see very clearly, the baby looked great! He did find other things with the baby's "home" that need to be checked again in another ultrasound, so I will be going back on Monday. If you could please help me pray that everything comes out good and clear, that would be great! I did receive two ultrasound pictures that are amazing, so take a look! They are both of her face (yes, they did confirm that indeed she is a girl!).

Wow, looks like she's going to be a cutie!!
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