I must apologize to my ever sweet heart of a husband! After being soo mean to him all week, just about different things, he still has the compassion to go out and buy me a dozen GORGEOUS roses in the most beautiful vase I have ever seen!! I Love you Babe, you are my everything! I'd be lost with you, I'd be like a fish with no water! Without you by my side everyday, making me laugh, loving me, caring for me, and simply smiling and play fighting with me, my life would be so boring, so empty! I have NEVER seen any flowers prettier than the ones currently sitting on my desk...you never seize to amaze me hun! I can honestly say I got teary eyed as I was walking to the front of the office and the delivery man was standing there holding the most amazing arrangement of flowers I have ever seen. These roses are almost as perfect as our love! The simple little card that came with the flowers is what finished sweeping me off my feet, it reads on the outside of the envelope: To: the Beautiful Maggie Garza and on the inside it reads:I Love you with all my heart. Thank you for everything you do. Love, Abner Garza. Well hun...thank YOU for being who you are, and for putting up with all my little "tantrums." You are the most amazing husband ever and I can't wait to watch you as you help raise our beautiful baby girl! P.S...this picture does not do these flowers justice...considering they're sitting on my messy desk!

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