Monday, September 22, 2008

Tired of being Tired!

Well, the good news is I'm still not leaning over the toilet every day, the bad news is...I'm always looking for a place to lay my head b/c I'm so darn sleepy!!! There is no way possible I can stay awake later than 9 pm every night, as a matter of fact, I'm about in my third dream by that time!! At first, I was absolutely loving going to bed so early, but now...I just feel....ugh...exhausted, all the time! I'm tired of being tired!!! Oh well, it's like I told my Dr. I would much rather be sleeping in my comfy bed then leaning my head over the toilet!! So for now, that's's 8:33...and I can't seem to concentratate on what I'm saying or doing, that's the first sign that it's time for bed! So have a goodnight everybody, and please, keep those prayers rolling my way for continued health!! May the Lord bless you guys much more than he has blessed me (which is a whole lot by the way)!!


Anonymous said...

sleep now as much you can, because in less than 9 months, it's over!! LOL!