Saturday, February 28, 2009

** Painting!!! **

We will start painting our baby's room today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited...I know it's going to take a few days, and it's going to be a lot of hard work, but I can't wait to see what it turns out like :) I will definitely be posting pictures of our progress, but right now, I better go finish prepping the room before Abner gets back with the paint! Stay tuned....

Friday, February 27, 2009

What could it mean??

I had a very interesting sleep last night, full of many dreams. I wanted to share with you all one of the dreams that I had and my experience this morning. Some may not believe what I have to say, but I will say it anyways, b/c this is what I saw and experienced :)
I had a dream, I don't remember exactly who was with me in this dream, I believe I remember my mom and Abner there, but I'm not sure who else. Anyways, it looked like one of those movie scenes, where the end of the world had come. The place we were walking was deserted...there were no buildings, cars or people anywhere. It seemed like a big desert and in the distance we could see some fires, and the wind and dust where blowing; although there were not any buildings or anything, I could hear a radio in the background saying that this was it, the wars around the world had begun....this is all I remember, b/c I was awaken by an extreme urge to go to the restroom (it's a pregnancy thing :) ). Anywho, I got up went to the restroom, and went back to bed, and said a quick prayer for God to protect me and my loved ones from whatever is going to happen. I'm not sure what the dream meant, but I prayed that God would help us prepare our lives for whatever was to come. Well, when I awoke this morning to the sound of my alarm, I turned to stretch and open my eyes. As I opened my eyes...I saw something; something I had never seen before. I was looking towards the cieling and the foot of my bed at the same time, and I can clearly recall what I was a man's figure, dressed in white. I'm not sure if it was the figure of Christ or of an angel, but one thing I know for sure, is that he was there to protect and look over Abner and I as we slept. As I told Abner of what I saw this morning, he asked if I had tried to speak to him, and I said, actually...I did, I said a quick prayer, I said Thank You :) Thank you, b/c I know you are here to watch and protect me and my family. I blinked a few times, and the image was gone.
So I end my blog today with a quote from a really good book we have begun to read in our Monday nights study group: "...the only way you can slay the giants that stand between you and the life you were made for is, 'rediculous faith.'" This book is called: One Month to Live, Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life by Kerry & Chris Shook. I'm only on day 3, but I really recommend it :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lucky You!!

The first FIVE people to respond to this post will get something made by me (or my child)! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:

1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year. (might be a little while)
4- You have no clue what it's going to be.It may be a story. It may be poetry, shoes, bags, or a little invention of my own! I may draw or paint something. I may bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
5- I reserve the right to do something extremely strange. Believe me... it may blow your mind!

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it! Sounds like fun, right? So, let's play!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

30 Weeks!

Yesterday marked 30 weeks pregnant...only 10 more weeks till we get to meet our beautiful baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abner and I have been collecting our spare change, along with a few donations from visitors we've had at home, in a big iced tea can to help buy the baby's crib. So today, after a few weeks of collecting, we went to trade it in for cash, and check out some cribs. The grand total of this full iced tea can was.....$109.22!!! We looked around in a few different places, and I think we have found the one we like at Target...we hope to go and get it soon, since we went in our car today. So anyways, below is a picture of Abner trading in our funds :) It was so cute...We also went to a mardi-gras themed employee dinner tonight and we had a ton of fun!! We had "casino" activities, all friendly, no bidding allowed, and I learned how to play Texas Hold 'em!! It was so much fun, we played with pretend chips, and at the end of the night, I had two disposible cups full of chips!! If only it was for real money....we would have gone back to Target and bought the crib, changing table, and glider chair all at once!

Anyways, it's getting late, so I better get to bed, we have church in the morning. Please continue to pray for our church to find unity and grow closer together and more importanly closer to God. May all of the elections taking place be from God.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Counting the Seconds..

So as my lonely days come to an end (yes, Abner is on his way home as I type!!), what have I learned, you might ask?? Can I live with out my Abner? Of course. Can I fret for myself, when push comes to shove? Yes, I sure can. Was it possibly one of the hardest things I've ever done, going so many nights and days without him? YES, it was. Although, I am very capable of depending on myself and I actually did better than I thought I would do, I would hate to be without my husband ever again! Life is so much happier, nicer, cheerful, joyful, full of love, when my Abner is with me. So in conclusion, I missed him sooooooooooooo much, and the excitement is building by the minute as I wait for him to come walking through my office door :) Just to be able to hug him and see him again, that's all I need.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Results!

So...ok, wasn't that bad! I just got home from my dentist appointment, and the good news is...No Cavities!!! The assistant kept saying that I have really clean teeth...not bad for not having been to the dentist for a few years! Anywho, aside from the really high pitch noises coming from the little drills in my mouth, it went pretty good. My gums are now somewhat sore, but I'm surviving! Everybody there was super nice, so that was a big plus! I was almost convinced to buy a $120 toothbrush....but no go! I have a hard time spending $4.99 on one, let alone $120. So anyways, enough about that, my honey is still in Portland, but I'm holding up just peachy! Only 2 more nights to go, then he'll be back....I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Here is a picture of the very spendy toothbrush ("the smartest toothbrush in the world") they tried to convince me to buy. Have a goodnight everybody!!

An apple a day..keeps the dentist away!

Too bad I don't eat apples regularly...Did I ever mention I am so terrified of the dentist chair?!! I absolutely hate foreign objects (Ex: the long mirror thingy, the drill, and who could forget, good ol' Mr. Slurrpy...all at the same time!) in my mouth...they make me gag! Well, yup, you guessed it, I have a dreaded dentist appointment in about 45 minutes!! YIKES!!! Anybody want to go in place of me?? Embarrassing as it is, I haven't been to the dentist in quite some time, you see, as soon as I turned 18, my insurance gave up, and it wasn't until now that I finally have insurance to see the dentist! Well...they can't really do much to me today, being that I'm 7 months pregnant, I think they'll just do a regular cleaning...which I hope won't be too bad!! The most thing I'm terrified of is the dentist telling me that my baby has sucked all my juices and I now have to have a root canal done, aahhh!!!! So anywho...wish me luck, and lets hope for no cavities, no root canals, no icky things!!!! Just clean, pearly whites!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Never Fear, God is Near!!

Aside from getting up and waddling to the restroom every two hours last night, I had a pretty good night's rest, even though my Abner wasn't there with me. Today was a pretty good day, I had the chance to get off of work at 4 and went to have dinner with my parents at Granny's was great!!! Then I came home and just hung out. Been trying to keep myself busy so I don't think of how much I miss Abner. It's been tough, but he sends me pictures occasionally of what he's doing and where he's at, so that has been great! Keep them pictures coming baby! My motto for the week while Abner is gone is...Never Fear, God is Near!!! That has helped perked me up when I feel scared or lonely, just know that God is here with me wherever I am helps comfort me :) So although I do miss Abner, I know I'll be ok, as will he, b/c God will be with us wherever we are. As for now, I think I'm going to hit the sack early tonight, I've been really really tired and sleepy all day. So honey, if you get the chance to read this, I hope your having a great time, I Love you!

Monday, February 16, 2009

5 Days of Loneliness...

So today marks lonely night number 1...yes, it's true, my honey bunny has left for a conference/training for work to Portland, OR. He left a few hours ago and isn't coming back until Friday...I've never been apart from him for more than one night since we've gotten's going to be the saddest week ever...but I'm going to make the best of it, b/c that's what he wants me to do! I will not think about being sad or lonely, I will make the most and enjoy my "self time." I will continue to blog this week and let you know how I'm doing...but I know I'll be just fine!! :)
Anywho...on Valentine's Day, Abner and I went out with my family to Famous Dave's. My parents wanted to take us out for all of our birthdays. It was a lot of fun and a lot of great food!! After we had dinner we came to my house and played a little Mad Gab...Yes Nando, you smoked us, but I will definately redeem myself!!!! Just wait...I'm gonna smoke you so bad one of these days! After that, they all left b/c they had a long drive home, and Abner and I went over to Yenni and Michaels'. Fidel and Mari also joined us there, and we had a ton of fun just hanging out and talking. I love to see Abner hanging out with his friends and having a good time. Anyways, here are a couple of pictures from Famous Daves. By the way...I made gorditas for the very first time ever this day, and they came out pretty good!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thank you Honey Bunny!! :)

I must apologize to my ever sweet heart of a husband! After being soo mean to him all week, just about different things, he still has the compassion to go out and buy me a dozen GORGEOUS roses in the most beautiful vase I have ever seen!! I Love you Babe, you are my everything! I'd be lost with you, I'd be like a fish with no water! Without you by my side everyday, making me laugh, loving me, caring for me, and simply smiling and play fighting with me, my life would be so boring, so empty! I have NEVER seen any flowers prettier than the ones currently sitting on my never seize to amaze me hun! I can honestly say I got teary eyed as I was walking to the front of the office and the delivery man was standing there holding the most amazing arrangement of flowers I have ever seen. These roses are almost as perfect as our love! The simple little card that came with the flowers is what finished sweeping me off my feet, it reads on the outside of the envelope: To: the Beautiful Maggie Garza and on the inside it reads:I Love you with all my heart. Thank you for everything you do. Love, Abner Garza. Well hun...thank YOU for being who you are, and for putting up with all my little "tantrums." You are the most amazing husband ever and I can't wait to watch you as you help raise our beautiful baby girl! P.S...this picture does not do these flowers justice...considering they're sitting on my messy desk!

Happy Valentines Day (Tomorrow)

So being that tomorrow is Valentines Day, I thought I'd post a special blog for my special Valentine! I know, I know, I shouldn't only show him my love on this made up, worldy holiday, but he knows how much I love him, and I'm sure ya'll know how much I do too with all the mushy stuff I write about him all the time! :) Anywho, he truly is a blessing from the Lord, and I thank God for putting such a strong, handsome, sweet & caring man in my life!

Although Abner doesn't really "believe" in Valentines Day, I would like to share with all of you one of the best gifts he has ever given me. I can't really remember what the occasion was when he gave it to me...I think it was one of those, just because gifts. Anyways, this video brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw it and it still does to this day. Abner made this video for me when we first started dating and it just melted my heart! Every now and then, I'll pull it out and pop it into my computer, it means so much to me. It's these personal gifts that always seem to be remembered the most and are most appreciated, at least in my point of view. Thanks and I Love you Hun!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Did you just Fart??

...Because you just blew me away!! LOL...that was the first thing out of my darling husband's mouth this morning...I couldn't help but laugh...histarically! He then continued to say, "honey, if you were a new burger at McDonalds, I would name you McGorgeous!" I'm not sure if those pick up lines would work on somebody you aren't already married to, but they sure made me laugh this morning, and I thought they were sooo silly and cute! Well thanks Hun :) I Love you too, and if you were a booger, I'd definately pick you first!!
Anyways, I hadn't posted the new picture of our baby that I got on Monday, so here she is! I hope she's just as beautiful and silly as her Daddy :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Thank you!!

First things first, THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!! I went to my Dr. appointment today, and everything seems to be looking better!!!!! Thanks to God, may his name be the only name lifted in victory! Also thanks to all of you who helped pray for me and my mini-me :) We couldn't get a very clear picture of baby's face though, b/c she is so shy when we try to see her! Not only did she have her hands in front of her face the whole time, but she had her legs up to her face too!! Oh well, at least she looks great!
Anyways, yesterday, my amazingly hilarious brother (Nando) gave me my birthday gift...I absolutely LOVE it!! As he knows very well, I am a complete Board Game freak...I love to play games! So he got me the game, Mad Gab...let me just tell you, we tried it out last night at Fidel and Mari's and we were laughing and laughing the whole time we were playing! It's an awesome game, ya'll will have to come over and play with us sometime! Anywho, he also gave me (actually my baby) a little pink onsie...well, look at the picture says it all! I LOVE it!! It's definately something that my brother would buy! Thanks Bro!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our Baby Girl!!

I had an another Dr. visit last Thursday, however, I haven't had a chance to blog about it, I've been too busy and if not busy too tired! Well the visit this time was to see if they can get a clearer view of the baby's heart, since they couldn't see it very well in the last one. They did get a better view this time and the Dr. said although there were some things they couldn't see very clearly, the baby looked great! He did find other things with the baby's "home" that need to be checked again in another ultrasound, so I will be going back on Monday. If you could please help me pray that everything comes out good and clear, that would be great! I did receive two ultrasound pictures that are amazing, so take a look! They are both of her face (yes, they did confirm that indeed she is a girl!).

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More Birthdays!

A special Happy Birthday to two special people today!! Sandra, my sister-in-law and Welly my nephew! I'm not sure how old Sandra is today but she looks younger every day anyways...Welly turns 7 woohoo! Unfortunately, these two are far away from me today, Sandra is in Texas and Welly is in Mexico.
Sandra, you've been a terrific sister-in-law, supporting Abner and I in everything we do. You are an amazing person inside and out and the spirit of God shines brightly in you! May God continue to bless you and your family in every way possible. Happy Birthday Sandra! Here is a picture of Sandra with her 4 little treasures and her husband.

I remember the day welly was born...God decided to bring him into this world a little earlier than expected. Although I never got to see him in the hospital when he was born, I did see pictures. It's unfortunate that anybody as tiny as him should have to go through as much as he did. Poor guy, had a ton of wires hooked up to him everywhere and there were times we weren't sure what his future would be like. Thanks to God, Welly is now a 7 year old active boy who you would have never guessed anything was wrong with when he was born. He is healthy and smart and gorgeous and very active! He has and will always have a special place in my heart as my first nephew, happy birthday bud! Here's a picture of Welly in Mexico at a restaurant.

The Chicken Dance

This last weekend was spent "working" for my coworkers and I. We set up a booth at the Family Expo at the TRAC for our non-profit organization (WA-PIRC). Anyways, by the end of the day, the anxiety began to hit...and we began to go a little "crazy!" Right next to us, there was a booth that a group of clowns from the Tri-Cities had set up. Occasionally these clowns would get up and dance, whenever they had a break from making awesome balloon animals. Well anyways, my coworkers, Margarita and Erika, decided to join one of the clowns as he did the Chicken Dance. I, of course, just had to capture this hilarious event on my camera! So here it is...WA-PIRC girls struttin their stuff at the chicken dance!! P.S. the Family Expo was a great success for us, we were able to talk to a ton of parents and get our name out there, Woohoo!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thanks to Anissa & Aliyah

I can't seem to get Anissa out of my head the last couple of days, and I thought I would let you all know why. After my birthday dinner on Thursday, Abner and I went over to my sister Aime's for really good cake and ice cream. As soon as I walked in through the door, Anissa runs to me to wish me a happy birthday and then says, "Tia, Guess what?? I got you something!, I got you a present, and I paid for it with my own money!!" She was so excited, and just seeing how excited she was made me so excited. So as we went into the kitchen, she kept saying "Tia, when are you going to open your presents, open them already!" So of course, I had to open hers first, I pulled it out of the bag, and it's one of those heart shaped chocolate candy boxes, and my heart just melted! She says, "Tia, read what the box says, look..." the box said: For Someone Special...that just did it for me! That very moment made my whole day! Although it wasn't something very big and expensive, she did it with all her heart and it was the best gift I have ever gotten. Aliyah too, was also very excited for what she had boughten me with her "own money," she got me some heart shaped lollipops. Makes me wonder how God feels when we give him just a minute or two of our time and dedicate it to only him. It seems as nothing big or significant, but in his eyes, it must mean the world. These girls are not even my children and it meant so much to me, so imagine us, who ARE God's children and doing something, that to us seems so insignificant would mean so much to him. These girls are the Aime, when you read this blog, you tell those girls that they are the best, and I loved their gifts the most!! Here is a picture with the three of us and their gifts for me :)