Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just wanted to let ya'll know that I have re-directed my blog to another domain. This will be my last post here, you can now follow my blog at: Please continue to visit and comment my blog there. Thanks everybody! I'll leave you all with this super cute picture of my baby girl :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My first Vlog!

As explained in the video below, I have just not had the time or ability to type blogs anymore, so I decided to do my very first video blog! I am really nervous, so if you are going to comment (which I really would appreciate), please, be nice!! :) Have an awesome day everyone!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

And the Chosen One is...

Tio Nando!! Yup, Abner and I decided that the best person to be Kaylee's padrino is her Tio Nando. We had actually made the decision way before Kaylee was even born, but made it official tonight with this picture frame that we created for him. Nando, you are a great person, and we know you will be a great influence and example for Kaylee. You have always taken care of me as your baby/twin sister and I know you will do a great job with Kaylee as well. You have really done well for yourself, you are graduated, a new job, things are looking great for you! We know and trust that you will always be there for Kaylee as you were always there for us, and we know that you will help us lead her to God's path. Thanks for being who you are and thanks for accepting this responsibilty and giving Kaylee the greatest Padrino ever! We love you very much :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

First trip to the ER

We had our first real scare with Kaylee this see, since late morning Thursday, she has not done poopy :) We tried giving her milicon, manzanilla, sticking a thermometer in her bottom, nothing worked! Now, she's not fussy or crying and she's eating regularly so we weren't overly concerned. However, being that today was Sunday, 3 days without poopy can't be good, especially for a tiny baby, I thought. So I called the only clinic that is open and asked if they would see a baby or if I had to take her to a pediatrician. She asked for Kaylee's symptoms and said that I should "take her to the ER right now! It could be an obstruction and that's very dangerous, take her to the ER now!" So natuarally, I cried a little as I hung up the phone and told Abner we had to take our 44 day old baby to the hospital :( Well, we arrived, and as I looked around I thanked God that Kaylee didn't look as sick as the other people that were in there waiting! Anywho, they attended us fairly quickly, considering the amount of people there. They took some X-Rays and the Dr tried to stimulate her bottom again, but they found nothing wrong with her! Praise God! Dr. said she had gas and there was no "stool buildup" in her tummy, so she was fine. So, I'm releaved and thankful that they didn't find anything, but I'm quite puzzled. I can't help but wonder what is going on inside her little tummy and how come there's no poopy coming out! Oh well, it's all in God's hands, and I will do as the Dr. said and not worry unless she starts being fussy or runs a fever. As long as she still eating and sleeping good, which she is, I will not worry :) Here are some pictures of us in the ER this morning, Happy Sunday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Perfect Day!

I never thought someone could be as close to perfect as my husband. I can not say he is perfect, b/c only God is perfect, but he sure is the next closest thing, that's for sure! Why, you may ask? Well, let me tell you about my very best 1st Mother's Day, all made possible by my honey, Abner E. Garza :) It all started Saturday evening as I walked downstairs and was surprised to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on my kitchen counter with an envelope that said: To the most wonderful mom, Happy 1st Mother's Day. Inside this envelope was a gift certificate for a mani/pedi :) Sunday morning (the real mother's day), he made a delicious breakfast of waffles, eggs and hashbrowns, all my favorites! And ladies, not only did he cook breakfast all by himself, he also cleaned up and washed the dishes, all by himself!! He made sure I was happy and content all day and that I was having the best Mother's day ever :) Thanks babe for everything you did and do for me and Kaylee, you are an amazing husband and father, we are so lucky to have you and we love you very very very much! I hope all the mother's out there had a great a day as I did, b/c we sure do deserve it! Here is a picture of our perfect little family yesterday.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Only if your a new mommy! :) My good friend Jenny surprised me with this awesome little book called, Porn for New's absolutely adorable! Thanks Jen for being so wonderful and for this awesome book that made me crack up as I know it made others crack up too as they read this blog! Any new mom would definitely appreciate this book, and every new daddy could really learn some good pointers! The inside of this book has pictures of very "sexy" men holding babies quoting things that only new mommys would appreciate; things such as: "So, tell me again, what was the consistency of the poop?" and "Ok, you can hold him for a minute, but I want him right back!" and my favorite one: " No, no! Sit down! I'll do the dishes. After nine and a half months of pregnancy, 26 hours of labor and 18 stitches, you don't have to do a darn thing around here!" This book, along with the pictures and quotes would make any mom feel good, hence the title, Porn for new moms. :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Miracle Grow??

As I was unloading pictures from my cameras, I came across some very cute ones of Kaylee that I must share with everybody. Our baby girl is growing sooo big! She measured 21 inches yesterday, she was 17 when she was born. We haven't weighed her yet to see how much she's gained, but I'm sure she's gaining pretty good! As I took Kaylee in for a visit at our work, everyone was amazed at how much she had grown. Abner's boss asked if I was slipping miracle grow into her bottle, lol. I thought it was funny, it sure does seem that way I said!
These were taken last saturday, so they're fairly recent. She is totally changing everyday though, so I will continue to post pictures so those of you who are far can see how she grows :) I also had to include a picture of Kaylee with her cousin Aimee Mae b/c it's so stinken adorable how excited she is to be carrying "baby kakee," as she calls her.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ups and Downs

Well...needless to say, Stregthening Families was pretty much a complete disaster last night. We were so un-prepared and un-organized...I felt bad for the families we had there. Oh well, hopefully we'll learn from our mistakes, and well, the bright side is, it can't get much worse than it did last night, which means it can only get better! Good news is that Abner and Kaylee did fabulous together while I was gone, it's good to know that I can fully rely and trust in Abner to watch her while I'm gone :)

On another note...I seriously think I'm going a bit loopy...I'm blaming it on my "sleeping" habits. It's not so much that I'm not getting enough sleep, b/c I think I'm getting plenty, it's just all the interuptions while I'm sleeping that are having the affect on me. I wake up in the nights not knowing where I am or if I had fed Kaylee or not, I also wake up looking for her in our bed, when she's crying in her bassinet...the worst thing is that I don't remember doing these things in the morning when I wake up! I think I'm just over-stressing and over-thinking things too much. I pray that things will only get better! This is definately helping me make the decision of waiting a LONG time before having another!! :) Please keep us in your prayers.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Stregthening Families

Well...tonight is the first night that I will be facilitating a strengthening families course. I'm actually pretty nervous, I don't know what it will be like or how many kids I'll have...what if they don't like me??!! What if I can't get there, it's in Connell and I have no idea how to get to this school...What if I don't do good at teaching these kids about all these important things b/c I'm worrying too much about Kaylee and Daddy at home all by themselves...can he handle it?!? many questions, so many concerns...I have faith though, faith in my Lord, everything will be great!! I will get there just fine, I will do an amazing job at helping these youth make the right decisions in life and I will come home to find Kaylee and Daddy well fed and doing just dandy...I hope... :) I will blog about it tomorrow and let ya'll know how it went...pray for me!!

P.S...On a side note...I scrubbed my shower so clean today, I'm so proud of myself...and a little loopy from all that clorox :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bored??? Nah...entertained!!

What in the world do I do at home all day long, you may ask? Simple...I get up at 10 (you have to understand that I'm constantly waking up during the night), I feed and tend to all of Kaylee's needs, check my email, facebook, myspace and my blog, and by this time, Kaylee needs to be fed and changed again! Well anyways, today, I thought I would try out the photo booth on the iMac since Kaylee was in my arms and awake, came up with some pretty good ones, check them out! I better get going now though, my hand on Kaylee's bottom has suddenly become warm after some crazy rumbling noises! Time for another diaper change!!! Maybe I should really consider cloth diapers!

Monday, April 27, 2009

First Sunday

I want to start by saying that Thanks to God, Abner is feeling much better!! Thanks for all who prayed in his favor :) My big girl is growing up...last night she slept 5 hours without waking up to eat!! Finally after 5 hours I got up and woke her up myself, b/c I felt bad. I know, I know, I should have just let her sleep, but she's sooo tiny...she needs to eat!! I must say...she is becoming quite the chunky monkey! I'm pretty sure she's weighing in at about 7 pounds just 3 weeks, that's amazing!! Praise God for that :) Two sundays ago was her first time to church, and I just have to post a picture, she looked so darn cute in her sunday dress.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

She's brown!

Yesterday, Kaylee and I joined Abner in his dentist appointment, and I just have to share a comment from one of the assistants. Let me start by saying, she was a very, very, very nice girl, who is expecting her second baby in about 8 weeks. She began talking to us as if we were her best friend, she just couldn't get enough of Kaylee. Anyways, the first thing to come out of her mouth was..."she's soooo cute....she's brown!" LMBO...she of course, very quickly apologized and said, it's not a bad thing, my daughter's brown too (she was a caucasian gal). I, of course, didn't mind at all, that she said my baby was "brown," I personally thought it was actually pretty funny and couldn't stop laughing with her! Anyways, Kaylee seems to be doing better and sleeping better at nights, praise the Lord!! Abner took another day off from work today for being sick :( Poor guy...we have him "quarantined" from us so he doesn't get us sick. We miss him and want him to get better already, so please keep him in your prayers! Sorry, no picture today, I'm on abner's laptop, and there are no picutres on here to upload, maybe tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I must start this post by apologizing to all my faithful viewers for not updating as often. You see, the problem is not that I'm super, overwhelmingly busy with Kaylee, the truth of the matter is that my laptop crashed, and Abner has been working on recovering it. Yea, we have a brand new iMac, but Abner spends most of his free time on it and I hadn't yet figured out how to upload pictures to it. So, Abner's back at work, and now I know how to do no excuses, right?!

Anyways, last friday we took Kaylee to her first check up, and she is doing just fabulous! She had already gained a pound, weighing 5lbs 6 oz. The Dr. was astonished and even had to weigh her twice to double check. Abner went back to work on Monday, so now it's just Mommy and Kaylee!! Which was going fabulous, until yesterday, something seems to be wrong, and I can't figure out what it is. I'm assuming it's colics, and so I'm trying to treat that with gas relief drops, sometimes it seems to work, and sometimes it I'm not sure. I think she's just liking to be carried b/c she fusses only when I put her down! She doesn't seem to be sleeping very well the last two nights, so it's been tough. Especially b/c Abner is coming down with something, so he is forbidden to be around her. I give props to all those single moms who do it alone! It sure is tough. I am constantly asking the Lord to give me patience and strength to keep going...sometimes I just break down and cry, but still, I can't complain. I would rather not sleep a day for the rest of my life and have her by my side, than not have her at all!
Well, I could make this a really long post, with so many updates, but it looks as if Kaylee is falling asleep, which means that's my cue to also lay down for a nap! I need to take advantage every chance I get, since I don't get much rest at night! Please continue to pray for the three of us and our health and for lots and lots and LOTS of patience and strength but most of all LOVE!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Announcing Kaylee Elise

As I mentioned earlier, we got a brand new iMac the day our Kaylee was born. Abner has been playing around on it since the second we got home from the hospital, b/c of this, I wanted to give hims his first "project" he could work on with this awesome new machine. I ever so kindly asked him if he would create Kaylee's announcement cards and he ever so kindly accepted. Well, he did such a great job I wanted to post them up for everybody to see!! Thanks hun for being so good at this stuff, love you! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

In awe...

I am so overly blessed and full of joy to be holding my daughter in my hands as I one-hnadidly type this blog. I am running on about three hours of sleep but that doesn't matter to can I sleep when I can sit here and stare at this amazing creation of God all day long.Words can truly not describe the excitement and flow of emotions that are flowing through us right now. I'm sure when teenager years begin to approach we will quickly forget this awesome feeling but for now we are embracing every waking moment and just trying to take it all in. We had our first outing yesterday at only 5 days old but I will have to post about it later b/c doody calls!! No really....diaper doody!! Ahhh...even a dirty diaper is so cute!!!! :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

garzacreations strikes again!!

At just 4 days old, Kaylee had her very first photo shoot. Now, I'm not only saying this because she is my daughter, but these pictures are absolutely amazing!! Some of the best baby pictures I have ever seen. Martha, once again, out did herself, for sure! Here are a couple and you check the rest of them out on their website:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kaylee's Hospital Picture!

I've had some people question whether or not we have came home b/c I have not updated my blog since Sunday. Well YES!! We finally got to come home at noon yesterday, and we couldn't be happier to be home. Things have been going great here at home, my mom came to stay with us for a few days and she has been a huge help. Abner has been the most wonderful husband a gal could ever ask for, helping in any way he can. There are definitely some adjusting to be done, but we are heading towards it full forced and excited to be doing it. My sister in law came over and Kaylee's first photo shoot, the pictures turned out great, I'm so excited. I will post them up as soon as she sends them to me. They are to die for!!!! So Thank God we are all doing wonderful and we couldn't be any happier. We have our first appointment back in the hospital tomorrow, so I'll let you all know how that goes. Thanks again for your continued prayers, phone calls and visits. Also thanks for visiting my blog; according my google analytics, we had 69 visitors on Kaylee's birthday!!! :) Here is the website for Kaylee's hospital picture, take a look!
Kaylee Elise Garza Picture

Sunday, April 5, 2009

First family photo

Just about 48 hours later, and we're still doing fabulous! Kaylee is out of NICU and came to share a room with Daddy and I yesterday around 1pm, we were very excited to have her with us, finally! She is maintaining her temperature very well and feeding very good also. My mom has been a huge help with us from helping me shower, to getting the essentials we didn't have time to go out and get. Friends and family have been texting, calling, commenting and visiting like crazy, which is very much appreciated; it's good to know people are still willing to help and really care about the well being of our family.
Abner has been the most amazing father, husband, friend, helper a woman could ever ask for!! He was the first and actually is the primary poopy pamper changer, for now anyways. It's still a bit difficult for me to be bent over changing her. He has not had any complains and does everything while singing, talking and playing with his baby girl. He has been absolutely perfect. He feeds and is at her every call, as well as mine. Thanks babe for being so wonderful, I LOVE YOU and DEFINATELY could not have done it without you. I'm so lucky to have you.
God willing, we will probably be going home today, if not today, definately tomorrow. It's nice being pampered hand and foot by hospital staff, but we are anxious to go home already! Anyways, just wanted to share a quick update and post our first family picture just minutes after she was born, that one of the Dr's in the OR so kindly volunteered to take :) P.S. see how awesome my God is...I'm sitting there, cut open, and I'm still smiling!!!!! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE MY GOD!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Hello World!!

I sit here in my hospital bed with the most gratitude I have ever felt towards my God and savior; it is to him, and him alone who goes all the victory of today's amazing events. Kaylee Elise Garza was born at 3:34 pm, weighing in at 4.6 lbs and 17 inches long. She is currently in the NICU but nothing to worry about, she's eating and doing amazingly well. As for me, I am also feeling very comfortable and pain free!! :) God is soooo amazing! Here is a picture of our beautiful baby girl. Her daddy and I are extremely proud and happy to be her parents and can't wait to go home and start our life together.

The waiting game!

So ok...I'm sitting here in my hospital bed all hooked up, and still I wanted to be sure to keep my faithful viewers up to date on the happenings of the delivery of Baby kaylee. We were sent here from the clinic yesterday due to low amniotic fluid levels. The Dr is concerned that the umbilical cord might be crushed due to low fluids, so they set me up on monitors yesterday at around 5:30pm. I had no pains or contractions, to my knowledge. I am exactly 36 weeks pregnant today, so baby is still a little early, but we have hope, faith and trust in God that she will be just fine :) At around 9:30 this morning they started adding pitocin to my IV to speedy up the contractions, now that there is room for Kaylee in NICU. It is now 11:15am and I am having frequent contractions, thank God no painful ones just yet! So here we sit and wait...I am a little frightened..ok, A LOT frightened, but I know that God is on our side and I pray that he gives me the strength I need to continue through this as well as to take my nervousness away!! and that he gives Kaylee all the strength she will need to fight this long battle! Also strength for Abner :) So thank you all for your prayers, calls, and texts, we will try t0 keep you as updated as possible! Please continue to pray for us :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ok results...

Well...I went to the Dr. today, and the news wasn't as great as I had hoped. It wasn't horrible either, just not great. My fluids are low again, and this time they wanted to do something about it instead of just sending me home and not re-checking them. So the Dr. gave me two options: I could go straight to the hospital, get hooked up to an IV and have fluids pumped for 24 hours or I can get hooked up to a monitor for about 2o-25 minutes, checking the baby's heart beat and motions and then go home and get bed rest, drink lots of fluids, and go back again tomorrow for another ultrasound and check up. So of course, I chose the second option! Well, here I am at home, drinking lots of water and sitting with my feet up! It's nice, but I feel a little bad b/c I had a 3 hour meeting that I set up and and couldn't show up for at work, oh well, things happen! So anyways, lets pray that tomorrow's appointment goes better and that my fluids are back up; I'm not sure what the next step will be if they're not. We couldn't get a could picture of the baby today, so hopefully we can get one tomorrow!

On a lighter marks 2 years since my hunny bunny got down on one knee and proposed, making me the happiest gal ever! I love you baby, thanks for all you do, you're the greatest!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We got a MAC!!!! Finally, after years (yes, years) of hearing my husband say..."I need a new laptop!" we finally ordered an iMac!! It's not a laptop, but we will eventually get him a new laptop also. My poor honey makes a living with working on and around computers, and he had one of the oldest laptops imaginable! Well, he is just as happy as a clam (as am I), now that we have ordered this awesome new machine! We can't wait till it gets here, hopefully it'll be here by the end of the week and we (yes honey, WE! you need to share) can play with it all weekend! I will definately be posting pictures of Abner and his new toy as soon as we get it in. Anyways, just super excited and wanted everybody to know our exitement!!
On a side note, we will get to take another sneak peak at our little rugrat, Kaylee, tomorrow as we get another ultrasound done. As always, prayers are very much appreciated in that everything wil turn out great! Pictures will be posted tomorrow :)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thanks B & M Creations!!!!!!!!

Our dear, dear sister-in-law and brother-in-law took our "sexy" pictures (as Abner calls them)last weekend and I must say, they are soooo cute!! Thanks guys, you guys are the greatest, not sure how we could ever repay you!!! Hopefully the enchiladas showed at least a little of our gratitude :) Anywho, here we are, at 34 weeks pregnant with Kaylee Elise, and we couldn't be happier!! Thanks again to B & M Creations for all of our photo/video/invitation needs!!! These people are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I highly recommend them (and not only b/c they're family), just look for yourself, you will love their work!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I love Holidays! Why, you ask?? Because my all-time favorite candy, sweettarts, always comes out with new delicious ways to sell their product. Well as I walked down the Easter aisle at the grocery store today, I found a delightful surprise! Sweettarts Jelly Beans!! Let me tell you...these are the best darn jelly beans I have ever ate! In the words of the intellegent, Dora the Explorer....yum, yum, yum, yum....DELICIOSO!!!! As I sit here typing, I am trying to resist the urge to purge in this bag of delightfulness, but it's sooo hard!! So, if you have yet to try these wonderful jelly beans, what in the world are you waiting for??? Go and get some!! Here is a website I found on these jelly beans as well...

Woohoo Nando!!!!

Just wanted to share an update on my bro Nando and his final finals :) I am super, extra, extremely, tremendously, HUGELY proud of him. You see, not ONLY did he pass all his finals and all his classes...he also Dean Listed this quarter!!! What a great accomplishment and amazing way to end your last quarter of school!! For those of you who don't know what that means, that means, that he scored higher than 3.0 GPA (it might be 3.5, not sure) overall in his classes. Congrats again Dude!! To celebrate his awesomeness we had a little family get together and bar-b-que and my brother Phil's house this last weekend, and I must say...the food was absolutely PHENOMENAL! Here are a couple of pictures from that day. And nando, just like the sign says...Good luck, Congrats and....It's time to FIND A JOB!! :) Love you bro, couldn't be prouder of ya!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hero of the Day!!

As I am busily working away at my desk I see something moving on the wall behind my monitor. I blink and stare at my computer praying that it won't be a I look up...sure enough...there is a nasty, nasty, NASTY black widow spider crawling on the wall! "Ahhh!!! There is a humongous gross spider over here!!" I screamed...and my coworker Margarita, who I have titled my hero of the day, says, "oh, do you want me to kill it?" so nonsaliently, as if this spider issue was not a big deal...I said YES!!! So here she comes, climbing on the cubicle desk next to mine trying to get to this hideous thing, and sure enough, that ugly spider didn't stand a chance to the ultra powers of Mighty Margarita!!! So thanks Margarita, for saving my life!! Now I just hope I don't have any nightmares!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Little chubby cheeks!!

Here she is!!! Miss Elliana Lizeth Gomez, weighing in at 8.4lbs and measuring 19.5 inches! Wow...Liz did an amazing job with this little chunky monkey! She's gorgeous and we can't wait to meet her in person. Thanks for all of you who kept her in your prayers, they sure did pay off!Congrats to Abe and Liz!

Go Liz!!!

What an exciting day! The first day of spring (thank God the sun is shining!!) and Liz is in the hospital delivering her baby!!!!!!!!!! Too bad it's Friday and we still have to work...oh well! Anyways, I post this blog so you all can remember Liz today and say a quick prayer for her. Pray that all goes well with her and baby and that Daddy can have all the strength he needs as well!!! It'll be a tough day for the three of them and I'm sure they'd appreciate a prayer! Woohoo...congrats Liz and Abe!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Raving again!

Now, I know I always rave about having the best husband in the world, but the truth of the matter is, that is just truly how I feel. Abner has proved to me, once again, as he does everyday, that he is in fact, the most amazing man ever! This morning at 4:15 am, I had another one of those miserable leg cramps, and it left my leg very sore, in fact, it was so sore, that I couldn't go back to sleep. Abner must have noticed something was wrong b/c he woke up, and I told him that I was in pain. He immidiatly got up and began to massage my leg. I felt very bad for him, but the massage sure did feel good and it helped me relax and go back to sleep.
Anyways, I'm at the Red Lion Hotel right now, working at a conference, therefore I do not have any pictures to add with this post. I just wanted to share with everybody how at a loss of words I am with my darling husband. I really do appreciate every single little detail he does for me, love you hun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Swayin' and movin'

I'm not sure how many of you who read my blog have ever had the experience of carrying a baby inside of you...well, let me tell you, the word incredible, doesn't even begin to express the joy I feel. As I sit here typing away I can see my tummy and shirt move in a swaying motion, it's the most hilarious thing in the world! It's unimaginable to think that there is a itsy bitsy tiny baby growing inside of me...this, my friend, is one of the amazing ways God shows his power and love. Now I know what they mean when they say you begin to love your baby before you even meet! With every kick, sway, jerk and hiccup (the funniest thing ever), inside of me, I love her more!
I just ask prayers for us as our time of delivery gets closer. I also ask that you guys keep my cousin Elizabeth in your prayers as well, her due date is this saturday, so that beautiful baby girl can come any day now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Woohoo Nando!!!!!!

(Tear, tear!)...I'm so proud of my brother Nando!! God willing, he will be the first in our family to graduate with not only one B.A. degree...but 2!! Nando is a very faithful visitor to my blog, and that's why I love him! This week he is working on his last finals for college and I want to wish him the very best of luck! Even though I know he won't need it, he's super smart, and is going to do awesome!!!!!!! Nando, I will be praying for you this week, and I know God will bless you with an amazing job opportunity soon. You are an amazing person, inside and out and very smart, and any firm/company/agency would be extremely lucky and blessed to have you working for them! Good luck this week and in your ever-so-nearing future! Love you :)
Here is a picture of Nando and Abner in Mexico...aren't they so cute!

Monday, March 16, 2009

457 Page Views!!!

I Love Google Analytics :) My ever so tech-savvy husband of mine, added this feature to my blog, and it's so cool! For those of you who don't know what it is, it isn't anything you see if you visit my blog. It's a google account that I log onto and it tells me everything and anything I want to know about people who visit my blog. It tells me how many page views I've had, where the hits are located, what ISP that person is using, how long they were on my page and so forth. Anyways, I'm super excited, b/c in one month, from February 13th through March 15th, I had 457 page views!!! I'll admit, about 200 of those are probably from me but even so, that's still a lot of hits for my little ol' blog :) I even had people from Australia and France visit my page, how cool is that?! Here's a picture of what my graph looks like for the people that visit my page. It's soo cool!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009


We finally finished!!!!! Kaylee's nursery is complete and we couldn't be prouder of ourselves!! After an exhausting 3 weeks, Abner and I finally found the time to finish painting the walls. We also put together the really cute crib my mom and dad bought for Kaylee :) So here it is, our finished nursery, what do you think??

Hanging Letters!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New Background!!

In celebration of the sun shining outside, I decided I needed a new "look" for my blog. The theme I had was too dark and "wintery." I think this one is more springy and I'm hoping this will convince the sun to shine more! :) While your here, play a game of Tic Tac Toe on the right hand side! So...what do you think??

Monday, March 9, 2009

Post 100!!!

Last year, when I started this blog, I never thought I would actually keep up with it, and today, with this blog, marks my 100th post...woohoo!!! What better way to celebrate this commencement than with a post of the proud work my hubby and I have accomplished today...we have made some really good progress in Kaylee's room...yes, finally!! Anywho, last week we added the darker green stripe, and today we painted polka dots on one of the walls. Now, we are no professionals, but I must say, they came out looking pretty darn good, I'm so proud of us!! We also decided to paint some flowers on some white canvas versus painting them on the wall. We bought 4 canvas' and decided we would each paint a flower for our Kaylee and hang it on the wall. Abner got a head start on his today and completed it while I did the polka dots. I must say, I LOVE IT!!! It is absolutely adorable, he did an amazing job!! So here are a few pics of the progress so far. Oh by the way, that's our changing table, the only piece of furniture we have purchased for the nursery :) Tell us what you think of our artistic skills....but please, be kind! The first picture is the before picture of the room :)