Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thanks Maddy

So, first of all I just wanted to thank everybody for all your votes on my poll...I didnt even think I would get this many! Keep them coming...your opinion really counts!
Secondly, I just had to post this picture that is oh so cute! Thank you to Madeline and Bryson and Brandon who helped her for drawing this picture for us. I love, it's the cutest drawing I have ever seen!! I have put it up on my desk for everyone to enjoy. The sweetest part is on the bottom where it says, Thank you for the baby makes me want to cry everytime I see it. Thanks Maddy! Which reminds me, Ben and Martha, you guys should definately let the kids vote for their favorite name, I'm sure Bryson will have some input on it! Everybody have a great day!


Martha said...

So Bryson likes Hailey and Madeline likes Ari. She's wondering how you got her picture on the